50 Books Have Been Read in 2017

Setelah selesai membaca 49 buku di tahun 2015 dan 45 buku di tahun 2016, nah tahun ini saya berhasil selesai membaca 50 buku. 15 buku diantaranya buku berbahasa Jepang.

Berikut daftar 50 buku yang telah selesai saya baca di tahun 2017 ini:

  1. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
  2. The Aspirational Investor by Ashvin B. Chhabra
  3. Enchantment by Guy Kawasaki
  4. God’s Story Your Story by Max Lucado
  5. The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey
  6. Born for This by Chris Guillebeau
  7. Living with Purpose by Dr. Myles Munroe
  8. Boundaries by Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John Townsend
  9. My Warren Buffett Bible by Robert L. Bloch
  10. The Lexus and The Olive Tree by Thomas L. Friedman
  11. How to Worry Less about Money by John Armstrong
  12. The Return of George Washington by Edward J. Larson
  13. The Automatic Millionaire by David Bach
  14. Napoleon Hill is on The Air
  15. Go Rin No Sho by Miyamoto Musashi (Japanese)
  16. They Were Christian by Cristobal Krusen
  17. Bushido: The Soul of Japan by Nitobe Inazo (Japanese)
  18. Unlocking the Bible by David Pawson
  19. Bible NKJV
  20. Warren Buffett Ground Rules by Jeremy C. Miller
  21. What I Talk About When I Talk About Running by Haruki Murakami
  22. The Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi
  23. Secrets of The Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker
  24. The Happiness of Pursuit by Chris Guillebeau
  25. How to Get Out of Debt, Stay Out of Debt, and Live Prosperously by Jerrold Mundis
  26. The Lost History of Christianity by Phillip Jenkins
  27. Nihon Marugoto by Abe Naobumi & Michael Braser (Japanese)
  28. Mengenal Moster Pribadi by Dr. Julianto Simanjuntak
  29. Has Christianity Failed You by Ravi Zacharias
  30. On Calvary’s Hill by Max Lucado
  31. Be All You Can Be by John C. Maxwell
  32. Mendidik Anak Tangguh Menuai Keluarga Utuh by Dr. Julianto Simanjuntak
  33. The List by Yuval Abramovitz
  34. The Jesus I Never Knew by Philip Yancey
  35. Kanarazu Kueru 1% No Hito Ni Naru by Fujihara Kazuhiro (Japanese)
  36. Speedo Shigotojutsu by Nendo Ooki (Japanese)
  37. 40 Ju Dai Kara No Seikou Tetsugaku by Aoki Satoshi (Japanese)
  38. Work Life Balance by Yoshie Komuro (Japanese)
  39. Okane No Tetsugaku by Kazumasa Tomita (Japanese)
  40. Dekiru Hito No Jinsei No Ru-ru by Richard Templar (Japanese)
  41. Yudaya-shiki WHY Shikou-hou by Kani Ishizumi (Japanese)
  42. Work Shift by Lynda Gratton (Japanese)
  43. How to Work with Angels in Your Life by Kevin Basconi
  44. Prevail by Cindy Trimm
  45. High Output Management by Andrew S. Groove (Japanese)
  46. Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
  47. The One Minute Millionaire by Mark Victor Hansen & Robert G. Allen
  48. Ichi Nichi 500 Yen No Chisa Na Shunkan by Mitsuaki Yokoyama (Japanese)
  49. Hajimete No Hito No Tame No 3000 Yen Tohyou Seikatsu by Yokoyama Mitsuaki (Japanese)
  50. The Zero Marginal Cost Society by Jeremy Rifkin (Japanese)

Rencana saya di tahun 2018 ingin bisa selesai membaca 50 buku berbahasa Jepang.

Berapa buku yang telah bisa kita baca tahun ini?

The post “50 Books Have Been Read in 2017” appeared first on krismanoppusunggu.com


      1. oh begitu, kalau seperti itu (membaca cepat) apakah mempengaruhi kepahaman kita dalam memahami buku2 tersebut ?

        saya kalau baca, 2-3x kadang juga belum paham2, malah sering lupanya hehehe


      2. Prinsip speed reading, tdk berhenti/baca ulang pd bagian yg tdk/kurang paham, terus sj membaca bagian berikutnya sehingga bisa mengerti overall contex-nya…sy sdh coba buktikan dgn baca buku berbahasa Jepang dengan cuma 60% understanding…sy bisa mengerti overall context isi bukunya…walaupun di bbrp part sy tdk cukup mengerti….


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